j Workbook checking Unit 9-10 - Cambridge ONLINE PRACTICE ~ English for Cambridge learners and teachers

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Workbook checking Unit 9-10 - Cambridge ONLINE PRACTICE


1. Finish all pages Unit 9 -10. WORKBOOK.

2. Finish the ONLINE PRACTICE from CAMBRIDGE (UNIT 9-10) Only , Video,Grammar , Vocabulary and  Reading.

3. Remember to practice the Christmas Carol. I will see your progress on Thursday 23rd.
4. The homework is for Thursday 23rd


1. Finish all pages Unit 9 -10. WORKBOOK.

2. Finish the ONLINE PRACTICE from CAMBRIDGE (UNIT 9-10) Only , Video,Grammar , Vocabulary and  Reading.

3. Remember to practice the Christmas Carol. I will see your progress on Wednesday 22nd.
4. The homework is for Friday 24th.

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